The Kick Start Programme

If you’ve always wanted to find out what foods may be causing you to feel unwell, and would like to combine it with a Colonic treatment at the same time then this is it. This is one of most popular programmes and takes up to 2 hours in one session.

The Kick Start combines testing for over 260 foods + vitamin & mineral deficiencies + a colonic treatment

STEP 1 - Testing for Foods and more

The first thing we do is ask you to complete a Health Questionnaire then discuss any health issues you have and what actions can be taken to improve those. Then we will carry out the testing for over 260 foods, including Grains, Dairy products, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, and much more (see our Digestive Health Test List) Normally £140.

We will also test you for any Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies and digestive enzyme deficiencies which are very common and when you have a lack of these they can cause major digestive problems.

Once we have all the information, we can then go ahead and analyse where the problems are and what can be done to improve your health. You will receive a comprehensive set of test results of the foods that you have a sensitivity too, PLUS a comprehensive set of Results showing you where you are lacking in certain Vitamins, Minerals and Digestive Enzymes.

STEP 2 - The Colonic Irrigation Treatment

If you are overweight, tired and have no energy, have some digestive problems and don’t have that Buzz, or would like to really kickstart your body and mind into overdrive then the Kick Start Programme Boost is highly recommended.

The Colonic Treatment will be carried out by Mark ( For Males ) ,he will explain how the treatment is carried out, make you comfortable and carry out the procedure. Normal Price is £65.00


The Kick Start Programme will take around 2hrs. Our Pricing is Normally £205.00 for the package